Monday, October 21, 2013

Detox bath

I love a good detox bath.  I first learned about them last year when I started power walking 5k's.  I was super outta shape and whenever I finished them I hurt hurt so bad for days.  A friend of mine suggested I try one and now I take them at least once a month.  Not only is a nice long soak in the tub relaxing but add the health benefits and it makes it even better.  

Now I'm not a doctor so I'm adding a link from Dr. Oz that has a great video on the benefits of a detox bath in Dr. words for those that need that extra information. 

There's many different detox baths out there but the main core is salt.  I use Epsom salt for my detox baths.  I also add baking soda and occasionally a few drops of lavender oil.  For tonight's soak I bought a new kind of salt and it has pepermint oil, spearmint oil, and rosemary oil in it.  I LOVE IT! A cold front blew in today and I was a little stuffy and all these oils just opened me right up.  

I bet your wondering how can I make a detox bath?  Its simple, run a bath with the hottest water you can handle.  While the tub is filling add your salt, 4 or more cups, and any other stuff you want.  I hear ginger is very good and really gets your body heated up and sweating.  You can also use apple cider vinegar, essential oils and bentonite clay just to name a few.  Once your tub is full get in and soak for at least 30 min the longer you can stray in the better.  I usually do 45 min.  When you get out don't rinse off just jump right under the covers and keep sweating as long as you can.  I usually just go to bed and rinse off in the morning.  Make sure you drink TONS of water like at least 3 tall glasses before after and during the bath.  If you don't drink enough water you won't feel as great in the morning. Trust me on this, DRINK WATER!!!

Please share your detox bath stories with me.  Tomorrow starts the cleanse phase of my Advocare 24 day challenge.  I'm hoping that my apple cinnamon water and nice soak in the bath helps me on my journey to inches and pounds lost. 

1 comment:

  1. Giving a shout out to essential oils! I was actually in a similar bath right before I have birth to my son. :)
